Today's Discussion - Holla At Me

Don't you just get seriously disgusted when men Holla At You. Eeeuw. It is ok if it's boys your age cos Boys are Boys. but Meeen..?????? WHF! like it is so obvious that your younger than them and your not interested. Unless you just like older men but seriously it is like having your dad or grandpa hit on you and that is not cool. Ex: Today when I was walking home with my sister, two boys..maybe aged 19-20 (not that man-ish but still) beeped their car at us and not only did they beep their car but they also whistled. I mean like C'mon. I freakkin had my school uniform on. Can't they see that or... Cos in my view I don't think it was that hard to see.
I shared my opinion, What's Yours..?

Postat av: Von

Definately, I think it's past insanity for a "man" to heat on a girl. I mean it's understandale if they heat on a girl like in a club and they can't like tell the age or something, but when it's comes to a girl in a school uniform then that's being sick.

2010-09-28 @ 20:27:54
Postat av: R

My opinion is that u maybe look cute in your school uniform hehehe :D <3

2010-09-28 @ 21:21:49

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